Tuesday 25 May 2010

Thursday 1 April 2010

Choice of setting and scenes.

The choice of an urban setting was because research showed that basically every successful mobster film has a urban environment setting. We was origionally going to shoot in a forest but in the end we decided to shoot in more of a city area as in a normal city people live there and they can clearly see what is happening therefore this gives the illusion across to the audiance that the mobsters must be well known within thew city not to be approached.

Also the choice of scenes we decided to show were because we wanted to show the different types of scenes featured in the film, these consist of a quick energetic get away scene, and a more dramatic scene showing the business side of the film,
These scenes were carefully chosen to show a massive contrast in scenes.

The use of a very action pact scene is to get the adrenaline side of the film across to the target audiance and the use of the scene with the boss is to show the audiance the serious side of the film and the different statuses that the characters have within the film.

Encounterd problems during the task

During our task we encountered many problems such as jumps in the film when we change from angle to angle, we could have made this smoother by thinking about this during filming and making sure that the actors knew where there body parts were the whole time. Also we did not leave ourselfs as much time as i would have liked, this error in time created a great pressure on my shoulders. We did manage to get the film finished early in the end but as we went to save the finished product the systems crashed and we lost all of our editing, therefore we had to re edit the shots we had and input the film tracks again and edit the sound tracks noise levels because we didnt want the sound track to overpower the dialogue. This error costed us a lot and we realised how close the deadline was and how hard we would have to work in order to get the product up it its high quality standard that it origionally was. The next day we started to re edit and after a clear look over the un eddited tape I feel that me and my partner debated more and we actually made the peice look better then the origional.

If there was any changed i would have liked to put into the film it would be the use of a high angle shot because I feel that this shot is a great way to portray emotion and really show the setting off to the audiance. But this shot was very hard to get because of the lack of equipment we had and we also had to think of safety because getting up high in the area we was in ment climbing on a tree and that would have been a safety hazard therefore I decided that we should not shoot this shot.

Also one more problem we had when shooting the film is the fact that we had 2 of our group members unfortunatly drop out of the idea, one of our group members wanted to switch task and the other team member dropped out of school so therefor it was just me one other partner working on this film. This created many problems such as getting actors to perform in the film, this was hard becuase no one really had the time to help my group out because they had to focus on there work. I worked around this and decided to shoot this with people that were not in my class and had free periods when i had my time to shoot the film, This allowed me to round up a large number of people to be in the film such as the peopl chasing us and to get a teacher that was not teaching to shoot the boss scene.

Also one more thing i would like to have added in is an extreme close up in the bosses scene of his cigarette being crushed into the table, this would have been a great shot to get and would have portrayed much emotion into the piece, it would have also been a great metaphore for how the boss could instantanieously make someones life hell.

Overall i am please with the piece i have created and I feel it was made to a high quality. Also i can see how the research i have done has allowed me to create a great prospective of these mob type gangsters and portray my view of them and get an audiance to relate towards it.

Distribution of the film

As the film is more typical of a british style film we will base our release around britain and the UK success in the United Kingdom would allow discussion for further release into the Uniter states and other parts of the world, Also this would allow us to choose more distributors that are more american based such as Miramax. These film distributors are popular in America and are multi award winners for films.

The aim of creating a successfull film for the British public seems a realistic view as it is a fitted and typical genre that has shows remarcable success in the past with film such as reservoir dogs which was a big influence on our film, I feel that the British public could relate more to our film and also the research done shows that the gap in the market for a film such as the one we have created will allow the film to maximize its revenue and make remarkable profits.

Preliminary task

Our preliminary tasks such as Bills Bear and my Magazine cover allowed us to get femiliar with different camera angles and shots, also it allowed us to get use the programmes we will need to use in order to successfully complete our final task.

I feel that the slideshow we created in order to sell a product allowed me the greatest insight into my final video, this allowed me to gain a greater understanding of different shots and the effects they had within the shot such as the emotions they portray.

The magezine also allowed me to organise the video better and arrange everything to make it look neet. Although these tasks allowed me a great insight into creating the film, I do not feel i could ever have been properly prepared for the task ahead of me, although i did easily adjust to the programmes and editing the film. Also the preliminary tasks gave me the knowladge to take as many shots as possible to give me a wide variety of choice when editing, I feel this was a great tip to learn as it allowed me maximum potential to succeed and make the task look and be the best that it could.

Transitions and changes we made to the final piece